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Small Path

Small Slabs

Garden edging

OneMix Concrete

OneMix Concrete is a mix of high quality cement, aggregate and sand and is formulated to achieve a compressive strength suitable for general concreting applications. As a result, OneMix Concrete is a convenient solution for many smaller projects.

Why you need this product:

  • –  Made from a high quality and consistent blend of cement, aggregates and sand
  • –  Suitable for most concreting applications
  • –  OneMix Concrete has a compressive Strength of 25MPa* when fully cured
  • Benefits of OneMix’s Weatherproof Packaging:

  • –  OneMix bags can be stored outside, unopened, in all seasons
  • –  The packaging can prevent leakage of product and any excess dust
  • –  Provides improved shock and tear resistance, which can reducing wasted product

Product Availability

  • 20kg bags
  • 20kg product now comes standard at 84 bags per pallet (1.68 tonnes).
  • Custom pallet sizes are available where required. Please contact the OneMix team for further information regarding product quantities.

One cubic metre (1m3) of 20kg product is equivalent to approximately 102 bags**.

  • 30kg bags
    30kg bagged product is standard at 56 bags per pallet (1.68 tonnes).
  • Custom pallet sizes are available where required. Please contact the OneMix team for further information regarding product quantities.

* MPa is the metric unit for pressure or stress, a megapascal (MPa). The term is a common unit for compressive strength in concrete.

** Approximation only, when mixed in accordance with product guidelines. Please refer to the product data sheet.

How to make a slab for a dog kennel using OneMix Concrete

OneMix presents an easy, step-by-step guide on how to use OneMix Concrete when laying a small slab.



Slab Dimensions



Results (Approximate)

Volume of concrete =
No. Bags Required
Volume of Water per bag